Wisteria Hysteria
by Daphne Murrell
Directed by Daphne Murrell
February 12-15, 2015
All mild mannered Billy Cavanaugh wants is to marry the girl of his dreams, Susie Smith. All Susie wants is to meet Billy's family before she agrees to marry. When he finally concedes, he tries to warn her that his family is far from normal, but nothing can prepare her for the events that will unfold when they reach Wisteria Mansion. Wisteria, home to the world famous Cavanaughs, is oozing with talent, drama, pretense and secrets. As each hour of their weekend visit unfolds, Billy begins to wonder if he has made a huge mistake. Susie begins to wonder what is real and what is not. As the confusion weaves itself through the ancient halls, the hysteria that follows has them both wondering if the Cavanaughs are more insane than gifted.
Bill Cavanaugh - River Dolan Susie Smith - Georgia Jeffreys Randolph Cavanaugh - Scotty Kennedy Louisa Cavanaugh - Tina Smith Butler - Richard Twilley Nilansa Cavanaugh - Hannah Jackson Tami-Tina Cavanaugh - Mary-Elizabeth Moore Tina-Tami Cavanaugh - Charis Murrell Grandma Kat - Mary Dyer Maid - Abbey Jones Bentley Cavanaugh - Jerry Self Fancy Cavanaugh - Heather Lanham Armando - Rhett Jackson Crew Daphne Murrell - Director Mary Dyer - Stage Manager Todd Hardin - Set Design/Construction Scotty Kennedy - Set Design/Construction Jim Lichtenthaler - Set Design/Construction Marge Lichtenthaler - Set Design/Construction Judy Malone - Set Design/Construction Carol Rogers - Set Design/Construction Mark Richardson - Lighting and Sound JC Weeks - Lighting and Sound Randy Hester - Lighting and Sound Scotty Kennedy - Lighting and Sound Matt Hester - Lighting and Sound Judy Malone - Hair and Makeup Beth Hammock - Ticket Coordinator |