Moon Over Buffalo
by Ken Ludwig
Directed by Mark Richardson
February 13-16, 2025
Tickets are on-sale now!! You may go by the Weatherford Centre in Red Bay or call (256-356-9829) between the hours of 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm, Monday-Friday, to purchase tickets. Dinner will be available before each performance but must be reserved in advance. Individuals and groups can contact Beth Hammock at 256-668-0045 for advance sales. This is a perfect opportunity for groups to have a night out with a great meal and a wonderful comedy performance that is family friendly.
An acting couple are on tour in Buffalo with a repertory consisting of Cyrano de Bergerac revised one nostril version and Noel Coward’s Private Lives. Fate has given these actors one more shot at starring roles in The Scarlet Pimpernel epic and director Frank Capra himself is enroute to buffalo to catch their matinee performance. Will Charlotte Hay appear to run off with their agent? Will George Hay be sober enough to emote? Will Capra see Cyrano, Private Lives or a disturbing mixture of the two? Hilarious misunderstandings pile on a madcap misadventure, all of which are magnified by Charlotte’s deaf mother who manages the theater. One critic says, “This plan is nothing less than a love letter to live theater.”
Crazy Quilt Club
by Pat Cook
Directed by Brittany Farris
November 7-10, 2024
Synopsis: Veronica Blather is a sweet little old lady who spends most of her time knitting and solving murders, most of which occur whenever she shows up. Understandably she has a problem finding a place to live. When her niece invites her to stay at a retirement home for old knitters, it seems ideal - until one of its members dies from drinking poisoned punch. Who did it? Was it Matilda, the president of the Crazy Quilt Club, or Lydia, who likes to die on Tuesdays? Could it be Clara, who's a compulsive liar, or the wisecracking Sarafina who doesn't trust anybody and carries a rifle just to be sure? Clues drop as fast as corpses and dialogue races along at breakneck speed to keep the audience in stitches till the last minute.
Season 28 - 2024-2025
Crazy Quilt Club
by Pat Cook
Directed by Brittany Farris
November 7-10, 2024
Moon Over Buffalo
by Ken Ludwig
Directed by Mark Richardson
February 13-16, 2025
Honky Tonk Hissy Fit
by Jones, Hope, and Wooten
Directed by Scotty Kennedy
April 24-27, 2025
Ticket Information
The membership drive will begin soon for Members, Patrons and Sponsors for those to renew and for anyone interested in being a part. If you are interested in bringing a group to any of the productions, dinner is available for Thursday night, with other nights as an option with enough attendance. For more information on groups please contact Beth Hammock at 256-668-0045.
Our productions are family oriented and are perfect for churches, senior citizens, and any other groups who like to be entertained and have a great meal in a beautiful facility, the Weatherford Centre in Red Bay, AL. We absolutely want to thank Community Spirit Bank in Red Bay, AL for the use of the wonderful theater they provide for us to perform in and to share with our audiences.
Tickets to all productions are just $10.00 and the meal $20.00.
Our productions are family oriented and are perfect for churches, senior citizens, and any other groups who like to be entertained and have a great meal in a beautiful facility, the Weatherford Centre in Red Bay, AL. We absolutely want to thank Community Spirit Bank in Red Bay, AL for the use of the wonderful theater they provide for us to perform in and to share with our audiences.
Tickets to all productions are just $10.00 and the meal $20.00.