The Mousetrap
by Agatha Christie
Directed by Terry Pace
June 5-7, 1998
A group of strangers is stranded in a boarding house during a snow storm, one of whom is a murderer. The suspects include the newly married couple who run the house, and the suspicions in their minds nearly wreck their perfect marriage. Others are a spinster with a curious background, an architect who seems better equipped to be a chef, a retired Army major, a strange little man who claims his car has overturned in a drift, and a jurist who makes life miserable for everyone. Into their midst comes a policeman, traveling on skis. He no sooner arrives, when the jurist is killed. Two down, and one to go. To get to the rationale of the murderer's pattern, the policeman probes the background of everyone present, and rattles a lot of skeletons. Another famous Agatha Christie switch finish! Chalk up another superb intrigue for the foremost mystery writer of her time.
Mollie Ralston - Kristin Hill Giles Ralston - Jarod Massey Christopher Wren - Jeff Opton Mrs. Boyle - Phoebe Hill Major Metcalf - Oscar Glover Miss Casewell - Becky Lockhart Mr. Paravicini - Lloyd Dyas Detective Sgt. Trotter - Don Rouse Crew Terry Pace - Director Mark Richardson - Stage Manager Joey Keeton - Lighting and Sound Dan Bostick - Lighting and Sound Lewis Tucker - Set Design/Construction Mark Richardson - Set Design/Construction Robin Shelton - Set Design/Construction Jeannette Pearson - Set Design/Construction Jane Williams - Set Design/Construction Jamie McNeil - Hair and Makeup Vondia Seahorn - Hair and Makeup Linda Gray - Hair and Makeup Karen Duncan - Hair and Makeup Charles Inman - Props Bonnie Gray - Props Edna Holly - Props Eugenia Nixon - Props Gloria McKee - Costumes Melba Cole - Costumes Kathy Collins - Box Office |