I Remember Mama
by John Van Druten
Directed by Scotty Kennedy
April 28-May 1, 2011
Shows how Mama, with the help of her husband and Uncle Chris, brings up the children in their modest San Francisco home during the early years of the century. Mama, a sweet and capable manager, sees her children through childhood, manages to educate them and to see one of her daughters begin her career as a writer. Mama's sisters and uncle furnish a rich background for a great deal of comedy and a little incidental tragedy, while the doings of the children manage to keep everyone in pleasant turmoil. No description can do justice to the rich characterizations that fill the author's canvas.
Katrin - Summer Hester Mama - Johnna Morrow Papa - Chad Quinn Dagmar - Paige Hester Christine - Lexie Smith Mr. Hyde - Zeb Wallace Nels - River Dolan Aunt Trina - Keylee Moore Aunt Sigrid - Jan Page Aunt Jenny - Bobbie Whitlock Uncle Chris - Matt Hester A Woman - Adrienne Lourenco Mr. Thorkelson - Brent Hellums Dr. Johnson - Elliott Gordon Arne - Charley Gordon A Nurse - Adrienne Lourenco Another Nurse - Anna Holiday Soda Clerk - Sam Strickland Madeline Mary - Katherine Markam Dorothy Schiller - Danielle Hastings Florence Dana Moorehead - Anna Holiday Bell-Boy - Sam Strickland Crew Scotty Kennedy - Director Sam Strickland - Stage Manager Todd Hardin - Set Design/Construction Scotty Kennedy - Set Design/Construction Carol Rogers - Set Design/Construction Mark Richardson - Lighting and Sound JC Weeks - Lighting and Sound Stacy Ozbirn - Lighting and Sound Keshia Northington - Hair and Makeup Rita Jeffreys - Hair and Makeup Beth Hammock - Ticket Coordinator |