by Julian Wiles
Directed by Scotty Kennedy
November 13-16, 2014
Mix together a batch of fruitcakes, three dozen Christmas trees, 10,000 outdoor Christmas lights, a chicken pox epidemic, two southern spinsters, an estranged old man, a lost cat named Tutti Frutti and a Christmas hog named Buster and you've got the recipe for a fun-filled and touching evening of holiday cheer. Into this world comes Jamie, a kid who has run away from home and come as far as his money will take him. At first, he thinks this town's inhabitants are "nuttier than fruitcakes," but soon he comes to admire, appreciate and adore this nutty little town.
Mack Morgan - Jerry Self Frances - Mary-Elizabeth Moore Little Skeeter - Nate Moore Miss Alice - Mary Dyer Sally Jean - Marie Moore Miss Sarah - Eve DeFoe Jamie - Chase Allen Beebo Dantzler - Rhett Jackson Little Beebo - Coby Jackson Betty Jane - Brianna Hester Skeeter - Joey Allen Mattie Sue - Haley Martin Larry - Sam Moore Meredith (Mary) - Natalie Nichols Sammy (Joseph) - Isaiah Mitchell Laura - Kyndell Ozbirn Marybeth - Audrey Ehler Joanie - Grace Davis Rick Morgan - Matt Hester James - Nate Moore and Sam Moore Crew Scotty Kennedy - Director Mary Dyer - Stage Manager Todd Hardin - Set Design/Construction Scotty Kennedy - Set Design/Construction Jim Lichtenthaler - Set Design/Construction Marge Lichtenthaler - Set Design/Construction Judy Malone - Set Design/Construction Carol Rogers - Set Design/Construction Mark Richardson - Lighting and Sound JC Weeks - Lighting and Sound Randy Mink - Lighting and Sound Scotty Kennedy - Lighting and Sound Matt Hester - Lighting and Sound Judy Malone - Hair and Makeup Beth Hammock - Ticket Coordinator |